Alice Spencer
Academic Writing and Presentation
Skills for Italian Postgraduates
anno di pubblicazione 2018

cartaceo 104 pp

9788867891160 9,00 €
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This third edition of the textbook Academic Writing and Presentation Skills for Italian Postgraduates is the fruit of over a decade’s experience teaching academic writing and presentation skills to doctoral students and members of academic staff at the Interdepartmental Language Centre of the University of Turin (CLA-UniTo).
This coursebook is designed to provide a thorough preparation for students with a B2 level or above in the skills necessary to write an academic paper in English and to deliver a presentation at an international conference.


1. Structure (1): Individual Paragraph Structure
2. Presentation Skills (1): The Conference Session
3. Modal Verbs: Review
4. Presentation Skills (2): Rhythm, Pace and Sentence Stress
5. A Brief Consideration of Italian-English Translation
6. Structure (2): Paragraph Division
7. Structure (3): Writing An Essay Outline
8. Structure (4): Comparative Analysis of Academic Articles
9. Presentation Skills (3): Pronunciation
10. Presentation Skills (4): Word Stress
11. Focus: “Indeed,” “Actually,” and “In Fact”
12. The Passive Form: Uses and Abuses
13. Introductions and Conclusions (Humanities)
14. Conjunctions
15. Countable and Uncountable Nouns; Articles
16. Logical Connectors (1)
17. Logical Connectors (2): Connectors that are often Confused
18. Register
19. Inversion and Fronting in Academic English
20. Presentation Skills (5): Presenting your Visual Aids
21. Some More Common Mistakes
22. Writing a Formal Letter of Presentation
23. Front Matter

Alice Spencer is a PhD in English studies from the University of Turin, where she now teaches academic writing and translation. As an undergraduate, she studied at St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University. She is the author of three books and numerous articles on fourteenth and fifteenth century English literature, children’s literature, EAP and ESP. She co-authored the ESP textbook English for the Social Services, the third edition of which came out in 2018.